Publications & Preprints
- On Oda's problem and special loci, Journal of The Institute of Mathematics of Jussieu 2024. With S. Philip (submitted Dec. 2023), [ArXiv], [RIMS] [Kuranai] (Nov. 2023, 36 p)
- Monodromy of Elliptic Curve Convolution, Seven-point sheaves of G2-type, and Motives of Beauville type, 2018. With M. Dettweiler, S. Reiter and W. Sawin (v2, 26 pages, 12 figures), J. reine angew. Math.(sub. 2018, acc. 2021) [ArXiv], [PDF] (diff. from pub.).
- Hurwitz Stacks of Groups Extensions and Irreducibility, 2018 (v2-2020: major update, 26 pages,1 fig.). With S. Maugeais, (submitted) [ArXiv].
- On Galois Action on Stack Inertia of Moduli Spaces of Curves, 2018 (v1:2014) (23 pages), with S. Maugeais, Publications of RIMS (sub. 2018, acc. 2021, pub. 2023) [ArXiv], [PDF].
- Composantes irréductibles de lieux spéciaux d'espaces de modules de courbes, action galoisienne en genre quelconque, Annales de l'Institut Fourier, (sub. 2014, acc. 2015) [ArXiv], with S. Maugeais.
- Action of the Grothendieck-Teichmüller group on torsion elements of full Teichmüller modular groups in genus zero, Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux, vol.24, Iss.3, 2012 [PDF].
- Action of a Grothendieck-Teichmüller group on torsion elements of full Teichmüller modular groups in genus one, International Journal of Number Theory, vol.8, Iss.3, 2012 [PDF].
- Arithmetic Homotopy and Galois Theory, Workshop MFO-RIMS 2023 - Introduction of the organizers with P. Dèbes, Y. Hoshi and A. Mézard (5 pages).
- Homotopic and Geometric Galois Theory, Online-Workshop MFO 2021 - Introduction of the organizers with P. Dèbes, H. Nakamura and J. Stix (7 pages).
- Simplicial and Homotopical Aspects of Arithmetic Geometry, in Oberwolfach Reports 2021 - OWR Report (4 pages).
- Arithmetic Geometry and Symmetries around Galois and Fundamental Groups, Mini-Workshop MFO 2018 - Introduction of the organizers with P. Dèbes and M. Fried (7 pages).
- Arithmetic and Homotopy of Moduli Stacks of Curves, in Oberwolfach Reports 2018 - OWR Report (8 pages).
General Texts
- Symmetries of spaces and numbers -- anabelian geometry (with MUROTANI Takahiro and YAMAGUCHI Naganori), Jan. 2025 (submitted) [PDF] (10 pages).
- Anabelian Arithmetic Geometry - A new geometry of forms and numbers: Inter-universal Teichmüller theory or “beyond Grothendieck’s vision”, Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics, 45 (2024) (Rev. Jan., Feb., Dec. 2024; final) [PDF] (26 pages), preliminary version in Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science, vol. 1, Iss. 1, 2023.
- Mathématiques pour le L3 - Analyse, chapter ``Analyse complexe d'une variable'', Pearson Education, 2009. Chapitre 25
The following notes originally written for the conduction of seminars have proven to be useful for an efficient and quick introduction to the corresponding topics.
- Promenade in Inter-Universal Teichmüller Theory, RIMS Kyoto - Lille Seminar, 2021-21. Notes [PDF];
- Homotopical Anabelian Geometry, RIMS Kyoto Seminar, 2019. Notes [PDF];
- Towards Chromatic Homotopy Theory - The Landweber Exact Functor Theorem, Bayreuth BAG Workshop, 2019. With T.Keller & E.Köck. Notes [PDF];
- On Abelian Schemes over Spec Z - Fontaine Theorem, Bayreuth kBAG Workshop, 2017. With T. Keller. Notes [PDF].
Some introductory notes to Geometric Galois Actions, Grothendieck-Teichmüller theory and anabelian geomtry previously used for beamer presentations in conferences.
- Anabelian geometry, a modern overview, JENTE Seminar, 2021. Notes [PDF];
- Groupes de Grothendieck-Teichmüller : action galoisienne, espaces de modules et tours, IMJ Paris, 2010. Notes [PDF];
- Galois group and Grothendieck-Teichmüller theory - Action on torsion-elements by cohomological methods, GTEM Summer School, 2009. Notes [PDF];